
3 Simple No-Tape Presents and Other Gift Wrapping Hacks

Gift wrapping has promoted a rise of a paper industry that can create a Greta Thunberg moment. The excessive paper is certainly pretty and fun, but it’s at the expense of resources, creating another task in a hectic season. After wrapping multiple presents it’s only natural to surrender to the gift bag option, which is great as a parting gift at an event but on Christmas Day the thrill is compromised. Try these easy options that are environmentally-aware and beautifully presented.

You can wrap with tissue paper, decorate with bows without tape, and save the paper and ribbon for future presents. Deliver in a market basket to seal the reusable theme.

3 Simple Gift Wrapping Hacks


  1. No-tape: Use tissue paper or light paper, wrap, and forego tape. Ribbon is all that is needed and can be reused for future holidays. The happy process also satisfies children who shred the paper in a predatory frenzied.

Hold up on thrifting used clothes, which get a second life as gift wrapping.


2. Recycle used clothes for gift wrapping: Salvage old shirts, boxer shorts or clothing in festive patterns–cut into squares and use to wrap presents. Secure by tying with a long strip or elastic ribbing. These former boxer shorts will get the nod of preppy naturalists.

Festive gift bag options that still play on the thrill of opening a present.


3. Reusable gift bags: They don’t only come in the paper variety, fantastic options include festive bags that were saved from Amazon gifts to cotton sacks made by VZWraps. It’s ideal for those last minute gifts to prevent a wrapping meltdown.


  1. Lovely ideas!


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