
Annual Fragrance of the Year Awards – And the Winner Is….

Awards have brought rise to red carpets and laminated restaurant reviews. Film, food and fashion all vie for recognition and we’ve honed in on a category that peaks the senses or, specifically, the nose. In our annual Fragrance of the Year Awards, a lot of sniffing happens so we can honor the year’s best scent.

The right home fragrance indicates a thoughtfully-appointed room.

ducks goose fragrance of the year winner

Typically we feature a variety of scents that stimulate the olfactory but this year there was one stand out winner:

Nest’s Velvet Pear

Yes, it’s disappointing that you cannot scratch and sniff the screen to experience the fragrance but you have to take our word for it. The smell is so unique and tantalizing, anytime your nose gets a whiff of this aroma it will be be aroused.

What’s so special about Velvet Pear is that it has a fragrance like no other. There isn’t the sweet, light notes of universally desirable gardenia or popular verbena. The concoction has an innovative mix of, naturally, Anjou pear supported by crisp apple, lemon, peony with white musk and amber.

Design Appeal:

A quality candle provide a room with its great scent and adds design appeal to a coffee table vignette.

The clean packaging of Nest candles always delivers a clean, modern look to a space–a common accent to a coffee table vignette or sealing the ambience of a high end boutique from its luxurious scent.

Nest’s Velvet Pear delivers on scent and style


If in contact regularly, the scent of Velvet Pear will forever embed its way into the memory to conjure up a positive reaction. Velvet Pear is available in a variety of candle sizes, diffuser, lotion and liquid soap.


Velvet Pear Candles, Diffuser, Soap and Lotion: Nest Fragrances 


  1. I need to try this. Love their pumpkin chai too.


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