
The Year without a Flashy Christmas: Decorating for a Classic Holiday

Don’t let the title fool you, this is a happy holiday story. Imagine a Christmas without installing so many outdoor lights power outages occur. Or losing your house keys in the clutter of decorative fa la la. It was our goal to seek the positives that came from 2020 and we are continuing the stress-free agenda till the year ends, notably for the the final and richest holiday. While Christmas delights the maximalist in us, this holiday a lighter approach to the decor will reduce anxiety so you can enjoy the simple beauty found in the season.

Buy a basic wreath and tie a ribbon bow. This year we chose pink as our holiday accent color.

Au Naturel

Weave garland around a bannister for a timeless look.

Change your decorating tactics and leave the Christmas boxes in storage, perhaps only pull a few favorite pieces, and call upon natural elements. Garland brings in a festive touch and the pine scent reinforces the holiday. It can easily be woven on a bannister, tacked over a window or placed on a mantle. Further embellish with ribbon or other flair. Sprigs of pine placed here and there is an easy process, readily available, and simplifies holiday decorating. If It’s real, it works.

Defy Tradition

Decorate with everyday items like ribbons, forage the yard for fresh greenery, or bring in an unexpected color like pink that’s not traditional for the season. Use your finds throughout the home to create subtle and cheery vignettes.


Classic pieces can be used in creative ways. Decorate with vintage ornaments by placing them in bowls, glass vessels or assemble into a garland for show-stopping appeal.


Ribbon: Caspari

Holiday house with ornaments: Matriark, Sag Harbor


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