
An Alternative to Pizza Deliveries and Slouchy Clothes: the Return of Classic Entertaining

It may be as dated as a Dixie cup but there’s a reason why we revisit the style of Audrey Hepburn and binge watch “Mad Men.” The 1950’s cocktail era evokes a cool classicism that’s missed in today’s hyper digital world. We’re too plugged in to appreciate hat boxes, clothing with hand-sewed hems and the tap-your-toes rhythm of jazz crooning from the record player. Perhaps it takes more time at home to appreciate classic pastimes and, as nesting season descends upon our stay-at-home lifestyle, there’s no better time to practice the art of detailing a basic event like dinner, or shall we say supper, with an attention to style.

Dress for the Occassion

Time to reach into the back of the closet for your finer clothes, the ones on hangers with actual zippers and buttons that create instant chic. Does such a thing still exist? So what if the farthest you have to travel is from the bedroom to dining area. When you dress well you feel attractive, celebratory and are in a festive mood.

Serve Small Bites


When the host is a guest at her own party and wants to spend time on her appearance, perhaps even use a hairdryer, and tinker with the setting, she calls upon small bites.

Inventive hors d’oeuvres are typically what gets cleared the quickest. They are attractive, simple to prepare and easy to handle without disrupting conversation. Get your toothpicks ready, a great hosting trick is to wrap up cocktail nibble favorites like pigs in blankets, prosciutto wrapped melon balls, bacon wrapped potatoes or dates, and beets spread with cheese and rolled with spinach.

Art of Presentation


I always shop at the finer markets before hosting an event, as their displays inspire. The pre-made items, fruit and produce that feel the occasional spray of water, handsome jars of fig preserves nestled within the cheese arrangement make their way into my shopping cart. Serve on white platters and embellish with herbs or garden clippings, bring in additional color through the linens, and have a selection of drinks readily available for guests.


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